The Standard apartments
Need input on downtown apartments. I’ve looked at the standard, lofts @624, and the Ogilvie hardware building. Can anybody give me any tips about any of these? Or even a reason not to go with one of these?
Could someone help me find what indicates any emotional tension, angst, neglect, with my father/parents?
Stop asking if you should learn multiple languages at once.
Physical Beauty in the Natal Chart & Attraction🌙
why was 2016 such a good year
I’m making a “Where’s Waldo” style book but with cats. Post your cat and I’ll paint tiny pics until the page is full!
Does anyone else feel insane right now? I’m serious.
Chelsea power ranking!
Demodex Mites
What would you consider to be the most dangerous Big 3 combination in someone's zodiac?
Good stack for depression?
Small, red, itchy bumps appearing in random spots on my body
Anyone ever used nu science ?
Does fasting help or cure?
Sex with my (22f) boyfriend (22m) is so bad
Agmatine advice for quitting
NZT Fokus mood enhancer? Experiences?
From Liftmode
I just realized Bee's dad is the little kid scientist on Team Puppycat's space ship
Listening to the OST in the morning feels like…(Netflix)
Aww you fed Sticky (Netflix)
Green Warlock Theory
Tim's big book of other people's secrets
tapering schedule I've made, from 4.7g daily; and my experience.