Can someone in Louisiana help me find this Sheriff or Sheriff Deputy??
Need input on downtown apartments. I’ve looked at the standard, lofts @624, and the Ogilvie hardware building. Can anybody give me any tips about any of these? Or even a reason not to go with one of these?
Lawn care in Covington
AITA for going thru my girlfriend (who says she wants my fiancé) and finding nudes she sent to a ‘guy friend’?
Why don’t we use different colored vision stickers for every day?
Changing dispensary
Pool cleaning service
Look what Biden did!
I crashed my truck :(
How to elect a Louisiana sheriff: Runoff, recount, reversal, repeat
What treats do Black Bears like?
Driving on Highway in the morning and a geese came out of nowhere flying by and I hit and killed it
My house burned down two months ago, and I'm in a fight with the insurance company. My neighbour has concerns.
Landlord won’t give my router back
Best dispensary in the New Orleans area?
At least the wheelbarrow is still there
How would you approach fixing this gap?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
I spent 10 hours trying to simply change the delivery time, FedEx dispatchers were lying to me the entire time, absolute ridiculous situation
I'm not sleeping tonight. How can I keep myself awake/alert for the duration of tomorrow?
Dispo closed till Monday anyone got an extra cart or something they wanna get rid of in the lc area ?
I need some geeky games for these two. Male and female.
More speeding tickets recently?
Vape pens
Falcons 'prefer Kirk Cousins over Justin Fields' and 'it's not close'