Mads did it better.
I remember, when I played Open for Business for the first Time.. I was so excited but I absolutely SUCKED at having an Business.. Now, I want to give it another Chance. Do y'all have Tips for me?
Welche Spitznamen habt ihr für Orte in Ostfriesland gehört?
They’re Watching You
I performed Brain Surgery on a Bumblebee today!
“Hahaha I made you quit, you suck!”
I love her so much and I wish we could buy her
Does your city make you feel claustrophobic or free?
Y'all my Sim won 100$ in the Lottery. What should I do with that Money?
Win stupid Prizes
The Tale of the invisible Pancakes by Me
I was wandering around and found this hell
So i know it doesn't shows the UI because I accidentally pressed Tab before making that Pic, but I wanted to travel and now my Family is gone.. Can't have shit in Champ Les Sims
User flairs
Kind of cute that most Players are triggered by slow and/or ugly Cars and Bikes like the Cheburek, the Faggio or when you simply are on your Bicycle. Thank God this Baby (in the picture) has now Imani Tech.
If you could buy a house, which house would you want to live in?
Who has used the Darnell Bros Warehouse subway fast travel?
There can only be one.
What’s Your Favorite Heavy Armor?
What are you playing currently?
🔥 Zooming in to this Australian Huntsman that keeps my house free of bugs
cop car glitches through the wall and ends up in strip club..
Nightshark griefer kept pestering me and tried to run off when i fought back.
This sims 3 world had me go down a rabbit hole.
Ahh… A great start to another great playthrough….