Light Rail Discourse in CBR
Elon Musk Says Tesla Will Double Production In The U.S. By 2027. This raises the natural question: How is that going to happen?
Wells Fargo Sees 46% Downside for Tesla Shares, Citing ‘Shocking’ EU Sales Decline
🔥 Zooming in to this Australian Huntsman that keeps my house free of bugs
WCGW Tailgating
Cathy Wilcox for The Age
The crazy size difference between a baby and an adult swordfish!
Meet Harry, our in-house 100% organic pest-control employee
For the good of Tesla, the company, Musk the CEO has to go.
Stinkhorn that popped up overnight in my garden (Australia)
Is this a red back spider with an egg sac? It has just a few red spots, no red hourglass or band. Canberra, under a rock.
ITAP of an Australian everlasting daisy
Dozen Teslas torched outside French dealership: authorities
Fire at Tesla charging station being investigated as suspicious
We have spent 13 years of hard work regenerating an old cattle property into natural bushland. The return of wildlife, including echidnas, bandicoots and lyre birds and this sunset after a clearing storm makes it all worthwhile
🔥 These Chocolate Wattle micro bats live in my carport roof space. They are super fast and spend all night catching mosquitos. It took many nights of trial and error to photograph these tiny little guys
Tesla investors furious at stock’s plunge turn tables on CEO Elon Musk
How does homebrand canola oil have a higher health star rating than extra virgin olive oil?
I got these pics of the tiny Chocolate Wattle micro bats using a laser "tripwire" and a strobe flash
Ethical butchers/farms/dairies
When The Government Asks For A nuclear power plant...
Snake encounter question
ITAP of my driveway
These Australian native Chocolate Wattle micro bats are new to our place. Despite us putting up a few proper bat houses, they have taken up residence in our carport roof space. I like to think they have moved to our place because of our efforts in regenerating and reforesting our land
Tesla European sales down nearly 50% in January