late night 5 q's!
Tell us about that time your crush on an actress or actor led you to watch and discover a film or filmmaker you would not have known about otherwise.
Quit over 2 months ago but still want to smoke
Had my first smoking dream after 4 months quit - tell me yours!
In 12 Monkeys (1995), Bruce Willis and- wait, what did she say? Who the fuck pronounces “advertisement” like that?
Spring hinges!
What Are y'all's fav quotes from The Mummy?
What amazing franchise has one bad movie among the bunch?
I recently started chatting again with my "one that got away".
One week to go...
Absolute legend
Happy Groundhog Day
What are some unsung benefits of weight loss?
What is the best movie whose title is only numbers?
Best break up songs 🎵 🎧
What brought everybody to Reddit, or what brought you back again
Have any of you met your spouse in your 30s?
So my phone started doing this today....
What is your all time favorite Futurama quote?
Protest over API Changes Next Steps
My dad borrowed the power washer today
For those with speeding tickets, what song were you listening to?
My wife has this lovely exchange today
Any of you parents have this weekly discussion?
Maybe maybe maybe