Am I smart enough?
My Oral B electric toothbrush stopped working after 13 years <3 looking for some recs.
Update on grandma's starter that spent 10 years in the freezer: IT'S ALIVE!
Help me figure out how to get this dang scleral lens in my eye
I'm practicing drawing corgis, send yours so I can doodle them and get a free sketch. woof woof woof!!
How are scleral lenses not considered medically necessary?
Guys, does this look like a nipple 😭😭 I can’t unsee it now
ELI5: How are one-day boycotts effective as a protest?
Frigidaire Malfunction
Graduation Cap Too Small
Members Mark™ 4 Burner Gas Griddle Review 2021
question about shuttle and ball knot
What Will Come With My Scleral Lens
AITA for telling my wife to stop playing Roblox and do her duties as a parent?
I’m so sick of the AT&T sales reps
Suggestions for ACBL player with macular degeneration
I need haaallppp. My teenager right f*%ked my bathtub with hairdye. Any tips? I'm a renter 😢
tipping housecleaner?
Don’t forget, the boil order is still active!!!
Remington Apartments
People who buy the bag of lemons- what do you do with them??
Some of my Thanksgiving pies this year- blueberry, apple, sour cherry, apple again
Married men over 30, what kind of hobbies do you have?
Realtor gifted us a year of home warranty on our house, and I absolutely hate it.
Volkswagens new Emergency Assist technology