With Legend in hand, my collection is complete!
Anyone else gonna see this tour?
New Haul!
Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game - Leaders Solo Mode
Best *band* starting with letter Q?
I think Kinfire has been my favorite solo game so far.
Due date recurring tasks
What generation do you belong to?
Here is All of My Extreme Metal CDs that I own in my CD Collection!
What are some of the best expansions that don't need the base game?
Shuffle your biggest or most diverse playlist and share the first song that plays. No skipping!
Top 10 albums for newbie
When was the first time you seen Cinderella ?
My favourite solo games ranked (bottom to top) 10th to 1st.
Games you regret buying?
Aeons end legacy replayability
Finally completed my collection!
First game of Unstoppable!
Whats the greatest concert you’ve ever seen 👀 and why?
“Heard it from a friend who, who heard it from a friend who, heard it from another you been messin’ around…”, REO Speedwagon’s ‘Hi Infidelity’. Did/do you own this album?
What's the best sports movie from my list?
Name this duo
How long is your hair?