Do you guys think Brant is a bit over-tuned?
Centaurussy was insatiable
Can I get all dolls as a free to play user?
Crab God is a possible hidden 3rd divinity of Ragunna?
Is it normal in non-Hoyo gachas to talk so comfortably about owning/ pulling more than 2 copies of a single 5-Star character?
Weekly Commander's Lounge - March 10, 2025
[via Team Gemberry78] Cartethyia's in-game icon
These are my Phoebe's stats after a full rotation with spectro Rover and Shorekeeper, is it normal that i can't get a sub 1 minute on the thundering memphis in the hazard tower? (my rover is not built)
No option for 120fps on 9070 XT
Weapon banners are unfair and unbalanced
We need to seriously talk about 3 Cost Echo mainstats droprate
Weekly Gacha & Echo Megathread - Week 10, 2025
Phoebe build wuthering waves 🔥
Anyone else disappointed the map isn't actually connected
Something is wrong with my skills, I always am short of 1–2 seconds of getting 3 stars in ToA middle tower, these are my characters
"Brant needs 280 ER to work!" Nahh... Hold my juice, and watch my skill issue as I defeat Thundering Mephis in ToA with only 135 ER on Brant! Yep, 135 E-Arrrrr!
Is it changed??
Phoebe build 100/300 crit done..
My only gripe with WuWa
70%Critrate/300%Critdmg/1950+ attack
Is this really mid-low? I thought it was ok..
While we're celebrating Brant un-nerfed, can we take this opportunity to ask Kuro to fix others too?
My Changli (S1) after farming echoes since her debut.
Klukai at v0? Cause all the review in online for her are at her v6.
Klukai, coming soon.