How do you dress?
Lay your crunchy and non-traditional adhd/anxiety strategies on me. I want to know it all … crystals? Chakras? Mushrooms? Special diet? Abandon all rational judgementalness if you enter this thread.
who actually liked this flavor back in the day
Fellow married Millennials- do you and your spouse have combined finances? If not, why?
Convinced that childfree are more informed about children and parenting than actual parents.
Anyone else know that this will eventually happen but don’t feel that deep intense need for it like a lot of the posts on here?
Anyone else feel like they are spending too much time alone?
Guanfacine withdrawal (?) Not sure
Worried about stability in this environment
Silly question? How much do you have in savings for baby to be?
Besides homeownership, what dreams have you given up on because of the economy/general shitshow of our country?
Did anyone else get raised by a parent who most likely has undiagnosed neurodivergence?
What age were you diagnosed with autism, adhd, anxiety disorder, ect?
Is this true for you?
Living so far from family- how do you do it?
Starting a stimulant
I’m going to be 25 in two months, and I don’t know if I can handle being a 25-year-old nothing. Please give me your “I got my shit together late in life” stories.
What's your dumbest reason not to have kids?
When should I talk to my job about maternity leave?
Does adulthood ever start feeling “real”?
Any other millennials just don't see the benefit of "starting a family" and stuff like that?
Do you expect to get any inheritance?
I wish I had a family.
Article about regret at the polling booths
What's your contraception method while WTT?