lol Bakugo ain’t having a good time.
I come here, with facts
How has half anni been treating you guys? (I got nothing)
Are any of the other banners good?
As pessoas realmente estão desaprendendo matemática básica ou é meme?
Who's a villain that could've caused a bigger shitshow if they had more screen time?
I think i went to the wrong class 1-a...
o tamanho do RG do cara
Ship Rating! What Do You Think of MidoTsuyu?
People saying that Monona was the dark side of U.A. is some of the most unfair shit on the show
You are opening a small business. What business is it and who are you opening it with?
Question: how in Giratina’s name do I damage him?!
Tier list de cursos baseado em vozes da minha cabeça (atualizado 2025)
429 bloopers
Who do you ship Mirko with
Have you pulled/Will you pull N? And why?
how should i build n’s sync grid? 3/5
My Headcanons on ships at the finale
Will old Neo Champions ever return to scouting?
This is so much funnier.
Hot take: Endeavour has better character development than Bakugo
Gotta use first names on ships to avoid confusions
Who is your favorite male character?
First time player, rate my first ever team