I made a working firefly out of scrap metal!
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I made a dragonfly out of old circuit boards!
Dragonfly build!
I built a dragonfly out of old tech!
I made this bat out of scrap metal and electronic waste!
I made this bat out of scrap metal!
I made this steampunk bat out of scrap metal!
I made a tiny steampunk spider!
How I made this tiny spider!
I made a tiny spider!
I made a tiny spider out of scrap nails
I made a tiny spider out of an old lightbulb!
A spider I made out of a lightbulb and scrap metal! (I call it “a spidea”)
A spider I made out of a recycled lightbulb and scrap metal! (I call it “a spidea”)
Made this wee Allosaurus
A butterfly I made out of recycled electronics! (My first ever commission!)
A butterfly I made out of scrap metal and recycled electronics! (My first ever commission!)