A list of countries where Communism HAS been tried
How to beat king calvus
They get so mad for no reason
There's something about Soviet....
Random Unpópular ópinion
Main character steals a 'Jesus Is King' flag and runs away shouting 'Allahu Akbar'
which is the superior LP?
No Hindi 👅🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻
Fuck this parasocial virtue signalling, I want MORE carti collabs
How do y’all replace the f slur when singing old Tyler songs
The people complaining about the Playboi Carti feature:
Kendrick is a hypocrite
Thoughts about this take?
This sub is older than me what-
Legends of different era conquering the game
Do we use our critical thinking only when the victim is women here?
Avg self proclaimed feminist the day after women's day be like
Celebrating Cricket is Just Absurd.
One cricket opinion that you would defend like this ?
This is a picture of myself. I wannabe a rapper. How should i call myself?
Look what's going on in Europe
Why are women cowardly?
This should happen in Bharat as well. I have hope only.