Do you get denied healthcare?
Had a root canal done yesterday, why does it hurt if there are no nerves?
Are you religious?
What part of the world are you all from?
Just need to complain.
Are we still pushing wild dream jobs for our kids?
Ordered two pairs of headphones for monster jam and this is what I got
Why do Working Moms hate on SAHMs so much?
My partner thinks I'm crazy.
What are your current top concerns with the new administration as a Mom?
What phrases from back then are you still using?
extra runes
Help a noob out :)
PSA: Stress sent me into AFib
DAE think TikTok “feels” different now…?
Wife makes husband pay her a monthly $206 ‘woman tax’ because females ‘have a harder time’
I want to smack my husband when he's "sick"
How do you cut your feral toddler with forever ants in their pants nails? Too young for bribery.
What does your toddler call you other than mommy/daddy?
What is your toddler afraid of?
Feeling completely overwhelmed by the 3 year old boy world
What store would you reopen if you could and why? 🥹
Hand socks
Congrats on making it through another week. What does fun, fun, fun, fun on a Friday look like for you these days?