Best Ressource (Intructional or Youtube) for 1. Pin escapes; 2. Guard retention
That was lightning fast
What's your favourite thing about jui jitsu as a sport?
Pat Downey just got a 5 year ban from IBJJF competition
BJJ Breathing Exercises
Great sale at X-Martial for valentines
Anaconda knee brace = trash
Tainan Dalpra Arm Drag
How Often Do You guys lift?
Extremely nervous for team competition, thinking of pulling off
Craig Jones owns the pit IP?
Short breakdown of my crab ride from top that went viral on IG - I’ll upload the full version tmw
Diesel squeezel vs hand gun choke (nogi loop choke)
Do you think it would be cool (or cringy) if we said degrees instead of stripes?
Went to b-team. Needed to use the bathroom. Sit down, look up, this is staring at me.
How do we contribute to the Guardian Project? Craig Jones doing bigger things than chokes
First two no-gi takedowns to teach?
What injury took you the longest time to recover? And how long did it take?
Wooow technique?
Hot take: Roger Gracie's success was bad for BJJ
For those of you who have gone from training 3/4+ a week to only 2, have you noticed a significant slow down in progress?
Training Stats 2019 - 2024
sucks being a bb
Wrestling concepts
Craig’s CJI Teams