She kinda looks like a one piece female here
Castorice team
Which planar would be better?
Firefly doomposting
What a time to be alive
Am I cooking or cooked?
Looking at his Kit where do you think Mydei lands in Prydwyn tier list?
Anaxa vs Aglaea DPS comparison against Flame Reaver boss MoC12
E1 Or S1 Tribbie for Castorice?
Which planar sphere should I use/reroll
Can I skip Tribbie? (context below)
Tribbie is still BiS for her.
Leak regarding Castorice's revive mechanic by HomeDGCat
Castorice V3 Changes via HomDGCat
Castorice V3 changes via homdgcat
V3 Castorice Changes via HomDGCat
I just looked at this e6 art, is something bad gonna happen to her?
Some sussy chef and skirk leaks
Castorice Icon Change & reworked Trace via HomDGCat
With Sunday or RMC?
Castorice and Anaxa V3 changes via Jtt5CPW
Will It be worth to not level this talent with poet set?
Can I leave the mines yet guys? /s
Plz tell me she wants a HP orb 🥹