Yet another "How to move/remove Search Tabs button" post..
Improving FPS on potato PCs by disabling hidden graphics settings (~20 fps to ~50 fps)
I have broken Save Manager by messing around with the CoG save and new files produce the same thing
Stat system in some games is confusing
Werewolves 3: Evolution's End is ...
Unpopular Opinion: I Don't Like Zombie Exodus: Safe Haven
My friend called Uly overrated and that's when I realized I was short on Whiskey Four memes so I made this
Whiskey-Four is ...
Now this is how you get out of a gunfight alive (Whiskey-Four)
I’m a bit mad at this Werewolf The Apocalypse Book Of Hungry Names
The very first choice in A Sensei's Story
Any thoughts on Magehunter:Pheonix Flame?
Steam Sale Recommendations?
Werewolves 3 saves?
Any good sci-fi or survival game
In 24 hours its the 7 november
Honor Bound interview and demo!
Moved resources to the bottom (DE UI mod)
Heavens' Revolution: A Lion Among the Cypress
Games where I can make sacrifices for my Girl
What ending did you get for relics 3
Free (can be temporary) stories from CoG
Looking for stories that are based on reality
CoG Save Manager
Waiting for eternity