"Zagrosian Farmer" is wrong and Dravidians are native to the subcontinent.
What is the Dravidian relation with Hinduism?
Possible parallels to dravidian -indo european interactions - Can Achaemenid adoption of elamite as administrative language be studied to understand if similar mechanism was in play during early contact of vedic Sanskrit with dravidian speakers
Feeling a bit detached from religion. Appreciate responses from fellow Hindu women.
Were there two separate paths out of Africa?
Democrats openly admitting they will remain racist to Asians
I want the Forward Party to replace the Democratic Party. What can I do to start?
Lexus knows what they’re doing :)
What is the origin of Dravidian languages and are they related in Austroasiatic languages?
Black guy tweeted a picture of Indian dudes chilling and other black guys making up fantasies about Indians being inferior/trying to larp as them
If I Say What I Want To Do To Him, I Will Get Banned
"Unfounded, Baseless": India Counters UN Rights Chief On Manipur, Kashmir
Why was the democratic party of Bill Clinton exciting and the modern day Democratic Party so darn depressing.
Bangladesh has no option but to have good ties with India: Muhammad Yunus
Atheists XD
Nelk Boys India Video 🔥
Indian hate became mainstream after Elon. Theil has made back-handed comments on Indians. Now the CEO of Theil's biggest company gets on national television to and dog whistles about Indians.
This AI bot took my criticism comment of the page and sent in a link. Legit without even reading it. You can imagine how organized their system is to spread hate.
I am a 34 year old Indian who moved to US 6 yrs ago.I am a mom to a 1 yr old girl. Want to hear from you all Desi Americans , how attached are you to your parents ?
The Aryan invasion theory has been debunked
Stop Being Weak Victims
Why is Valley Stream considered ghetto?
What do you think about the Marko Elez Controversey?
Andrew Yang: "Why Did Kamala Lose? Blame Joe Biden and the Democratic Party"