Fuck This
Praying for a positive result for my biopsy tomorrow
Praying to get my car this week
abandoned neighborhood
Any other Americans here feel like they’re on the verge of constant panic attacks since the inauguration?
In the USA please keep an eye on the neighbors if you normally don't. This might mean life or death.
American looking for work
I am worthless and just wanna end it.
I’m exhausted. I just need prayers to get my life back
What will your last meal be?
iPhones with TikTok installed listed for thousands of dollars on eBay after brief ban
Just bought my first Lexus. 1990 ES 250, 68k miles. $2,250.
Could you become arrogant or over confident if you won over $100 Million in the Powerball Lottery?
Wife cannot find a job. Anywhere. At all.
Prayer request to get out of the hospital
I’m praying so hard and I’m so tired of everything, I hope God sees me trying my best
I’m going no where
Scared of sickness. Prayer request that my anxiousness goes away.
Praying everyday, request something turns around soon
Abandoned appartment buildings
Tired of being ghosted.
$4 winner here. Ask me anything
My best friend has an MRI scheduled for Tuesday to check if his brain tumor has grown. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers that it hasn’t.
My Suicide Note Turned Into a Prayer…
Please I beg of you, lend me a minute of your time today and pray for me. I’m really struggling again, I’m quite disappointed to inform you all that I was kicked out of my life, home and country perhaps forever but God hasn’t helped me. Maybe he hasn’t heard all my cries. Thank you in advance!