The comments complaining some how still, Trump could give us the cure to cancer and these people would still find a way to hate him
🚨Inflation is down to 1.35% on the Truflation Index, This is the lowest in over 4 years.
The disconnect continues…
Japanese painter (gamu0514 on Twitter) is a Trump Supporter
LOOOOLLLL this is an official White House post
Joe is fired
What's the point of owing an Xbox anymore?
The largest of the bears may look friendly but it's an apex predator
2025 baby!
This is the box my pizza came in lmao
The right way to drink Whiskey
Anyone try these? Or any of the product they have?
this isn't the bear your looking for
Santa phallus at my in-laws
What should I expect when I take this
A lot of projection going on
My first gaming pc build as a 19 year old still learning and working on things
Who here has ever came off of ssri’s just to trip?
say YES if you want to get a video of me jerking off in your Dm's
Female Zack?
My gf is into rimjob
I gave in today.