Can I play with another friend in local but online multiplayer in Ultimate Team on Windows?
I’ll make you a playlist
¡Cuéntame tus experiencias con empresas de telecomunicaciones (Fibra y Móvil)!
Ventajas de tener carnet de estudiante?
Cheap smartphone? That can be used after a year
Mejor smartphone barato? Que despues de un año no vaya lento...
Best cheap smartphone? Make it usable
Why when I enter the Spotify app does the sound of what I'm listening to in any different app pause? It's very annoying...
Does anyone know how to open audio apps automatically when you raise your wrist? Before in settings➡️General➡️Open automatically you could choose to open audio apps automatically and now this setting has disappeared
Why does it pause on my iPhone when I'm listening to something other than Spotify when I enter the Spotify app?
I really like the music card game Hitster from Jumbo, does anyone know how to print your own cards, which can be read by the official Hitster App?
Why doesn't my Samsung TV automatically connect to Bluetooth devices?
Precio Valencia-Valladolid
Hola amigos, una pregunta, ¿alguien sabe cómo mirar “la que se avecina” en Estados Unidos?. Muchas gracias!
Do you think the Switch Pro Controller will be compatible with the Switch 2 ?
I have created a general soccer community in Spanish in case anyone is interested
I have created a soccer community in Spanish in case anyone is interested, thank you
He creado una comunidad de futbol en español por si alguien le interesa😄⚽️
Puede en un futuro "revivir" ANHQV gracias a la IA?
Can you listen to random music to discover?
Rocky helmet is so healthy for the game
Alguien ha vendido en Fiable?
Reproductor video Windows que recuerde minuto por donde he dejado el video?
Aplicación para pasar de texto a voz