Is a Bitwarden Authenticator desktop app going to happen?
Autofill not working on
Bitwarden Extension Search can't find new items?
PSA: With Bitwarden browser extension version 2025.1.2 and up, you can now collapse the "All items" and "Favorites" list from your Vault view.
The New Bitwarden UI is a Mess – Anyone Else Having Issues?
Switching from Google Authenticator to Bitwarden Authenticator (or any other 2FA app really)
MacOS Chrome extension really slow
Chrome sidepanel plans?
2025.1.1 almost unusable
Bitwarden iOS users: Bitwarden version 2025.1.0 (available today) adds new autofill options from the long press menu. It can fill more than just passwords, into any field on the device. Try it out: Long press any text field > AutoFill > Passwords.
PSA: If you prefer the old "Click items to autofill" behavior vs the new "Fill" button, you can restore that functionality under Settings > Autofill on version 2024.12.4.
Bitwarden Authenticatior -> Bitwarden?
Autofill Identity has disappeared on the new Bitwarden - any way to get it back?
I have been recommending Bitwarden, but Bitwarden not being readable offline during server maintenance is a real dealbreaker. Is this a bug?
Chrome extension takes 30 seconds to open
Bitwarden Authenticator did not restore from iCloud Backup
Hotfix Released: Legacy Autofill experience now available
Unable to get new UX with any extension versions
Is there a way to get the new UI to load in all at once instead of in chunks?
A UX/UI designer/developer's feedback on the new updates
Chrome issue the past 1-2 weeks?
Browser extension does not sort Favorites alphabetically now
Wanted to check, is the Chrome extension slower?
Copy buttons are back. Please make sure you are on version 2024.12.1 and check Settings > Appearance
How do i get back the copy 2fa button? (new ui test)