Garage chicken becomes backyard chicken
Backyard chicken aka garage chicken gets camera set up
I guess we have a chicken now?
Is our resident conspiracy theorist void a boy or girl? (NSFW for cat butt in pic 2-3)
Vegan for the animals, but the skin gains have been fucking incredible
Which packs you will never buy?
My teens have so much attitude right now!
Wow that's cute :')
I found a "rare" Grim Reaper globe :o
Help a poor soul out: Are these DLC still fecked up?
can’t place doors after new update
MRW i realzie the movie Iam legend was set in 2021 and the whole outbreak started cause of a failed vaccine
always be like this
Hello darkness
I needle felted Stella just so I could hold her tiny hand
I thought that the new update was planned for tomorrow but apparently it is there already 😲
My more recent household! Lily, the brunette, is a marine biologist, and Rose is an influencer. I'm obsessed! (Gotta love the stark white ceilings!)
Best Easy Vegan Chocolate Fudge Bread
The night they got engaged, they went swimming and then had a little dance party :-)
My (30 F) husband (33M) are arguing alot and I think he is depressed. Not sure how to effectively communicate without being angry.
Someone convince me not to cheat, please
I need some serious advice !
How do I tell my boss his pants are too tight and I can see his penis?
Does this count as being taken advantage of or am I just being spoiled?
I messed up but was right