Worth paying a bit extra for Instrument Rating in a SR20 or C182 (over a 172)?
Do CFIs and Survey Pilots Make Less Than Minimum Wage?
Flying and engineering degree
Getting your first jet/ turbine time seems like a catch 22 situation.
King Air SIC Pay
Help with VOR
Why don't we make planes like (3)?
Why will the left not cover this? Safety before all else…including DEI.
Is MEI worth it?
Advice on instructing in someone else's aircraft
High School AP Research Student Seeking Pilots for Study
What are your common annoyances with GA flying?
Are there apps for tracking aircraft ownership requirements?
What’s the best advice you ever received from a CFI?
It does make sense
1800wxbrief.com or skyvector.com
Torn Between Becoming a Firefighter or an Airline Pilot—Which Career Path Makes More Sense? And Is It Better to Train as a Pilot in Europe or the US?
CFI pay
Turns out it’s not washing machine safe
what degrees do you guys have?
I designed a French cleat and hook system to hang my backpacks
Rename the community?
My beer looked like blue paint, and had the texture of blue paint.
CFIs, what’s your maximum winds before canceling a student?
Help! Power went out in garage.. what am I looking at here?