The Gang's Star Signs
This is Such a Wild Trio
If you know him, you're a millennial. If you don't, you're Gen Z.
Why is it considered “unladylike” for women to approach men, and do you think this mindset still holds women back?
Code Lyoko (2003-2007)
Ive read adult stuff written better than solo leveling.
What’s your longest word count for a single, cohesive narrative?
Is sk8 the only skateboard anime? Really loving it
Why is everyone gay in banana fish?
Seeing Invincible I’m curious, do y’all think Superman could do something like this to the Justice League, where he murders all of them like Omni-Man did to the Guardians of The Globe?
What's the smallest fandom you are a part of?
Children's programming has lost its way and may never recover.
What Yellowjackets death would devastate you the most (in either timeline) and why is it Akilah?
What fandom did you join from fic, only to discover the original media was nothing like the fanfics?
Season 2 predictions?what do you think will happen with reki and langa???etc
Reki and Langa: Ship or no ship?
A lot can be said for the Disney Live Action Princesses, but which Live Action Prince do you think was the best?
What 90s teen clique would each girl be in?
George Foreman Dead At 76
What’s the worst Nickelodeon Movie in your opinion?
Did yall actually love ava from the start
Is $550 for boho a normal price?
You are 4yrs old and turn on the tv and experience the best tv crossover ever
Yellowjackets S03E07- “Croak” Live Episode Discussion
Eleven is not the main character, no one is