So, what’s the best wall design in your opinion?
[Searching] Th15 | #2LR0JJYYP | BuriBuri27 | farming/competitive | Searching
This should have been a 5000 gems achievement.
TH15, 3 starring TH16 and TH17
[Searching] #9JPGJ0Q9C Exp Lvl: 201Max TH14 Just Upgraded to TH15 - Looking for a New Clan After CWL
[Searching] max th16 going to th17
[SEARCHING] TH17 not rushed
[Recruiting] Jai Hind | #2PGLL9LUV | Competitive | TH16+
Looking for TH16 & TH17
Hammer Jam drops, Hammered the Townhall to 15, 500+ attacks, maxed walls in one week, can live in peace.....
Need to get a life.....💀
Ummm really, Supercell? Frist no skins for RC in GP for months, now this?
Can we appreciate how none of the Eagle Artillery designs missed, every single one radiates Aura! I'm sad to see the Eagle go but atleast it ended on it's Peak Design!
Thinking about this.....
[Searching] Th14 | #2LR0JJYYP | BuriBuri27 | Th11+ | farming/competitive | Searching
[Searching] Th13 | #2LR0JJYYP | BuriBuri27 | Th10+ | farming