What do you think his real name was before he became "Conquest"?
Played over 1000 hours of skyrim at least 5 different characters and this is my first time ever seeing this !
Helsinki is great to live in, bad to visit. What *capital* city is okay to live in, and great to visit?
Beste magere rundvlees
Vienna was chosen as great to live in/great to visit! Next: great to live in, okay to visit
What is Scully’s Best Quote?
Benjamin Netanyahu
Pans and ducks
i get that he's trying to hide his identity and all but i feel like that was a bit of an overreaction
One of the best jokes once you grow up and understand it.
Disposable Draft Horses
I’ll NEVER understand how some people hat/dislike Gene. He’s my favourite by such a long shot!
Yes , BUT (vol.25)
This has been bothering me; but I'm sadly an idiot regarding physics.
In Finland keldert het aantal astmapatiënten, wroeten in de aarde helpt
Nice little saves
My hybrid char .
What’s the safest way of taking this thing apart?