Jesus, overkill much?
I took a chance on these 4 buttons. Bonus they’re on the original cards.
First tattoo at 65 by Judo Chopu home studio
As a baby, I was approximately 70% eyeball
Creating, exploring, and practicing witchcraft within the realms of the mind's eye - sharing my experience with expanding my practice beyond the physical world as a detailed resource, for those curious to learn more.
Recent TikTok Trend? "Domination" Spells.
Opinion: is sex with entities real?
New to this, trying to make some kind of altar.
Found this little dude in my yard (Houston, TX) and picked it up since it looked like a very goblin flower. And then it shriveled up like the second photo. Google lens says "astraeus hygrometricus/Barometer earthstar"
I agree with what this guy says on his channel but’s a Jumpscare everytime he appears
Local artist says he’s been tattooing more than 5 years
The Chicago River has been dyed green in preparation for St. Patrick's Day
Are these what I think they are? San Francisco
Tattoo by Taryn @ Studio Evolve
I opened up my daily inhaler to see what was inside
What's wrong here peta?
This might be the most goblinesque thing I've made.
What colour do you like best for Alice’s dress?
Finished these a few days ago and was told they might be appreciated here!
Just a moss goblin in their native garden! Made a pair of matching leg warmers for these mossy wrist warmers.
Way to decorate?
I made a septogram inspired by a Jacob sheep!! 😊
Untitled. Ink Drawing. wip.
The wild garlic season has begun here in the Harz Mountains!
How to lock-in, turn this into action?
I’d love to see your take on me as a fantasy character!