Minoxidil 3 Months Crazy Transformation?
Is it best to use topical FIN + oral MIN? Or oral FIN + topical MIN?
How much do you spend on weekly groceries?
Should I bite the bullet?
What was the iPhone you’d loved to use in its time?
Should I buy a used 13Pro for the moment, resell it when 17Pro comes out, and maybe lose $100?
9 days - Santorini, Naxos, Mykonos, Athens - would you change anything?
Is it possible the 17 series will be a downgrade from 16 in any way, given the info we currently have?
I kept base 16 and returned 16PM after testing both. My thoughts:
What kind of person is gonna buy this?
What if some beings exist outside of time?
5-Months Update: Minoxidil + Red Light Therapy + Lifestyle Changes
Is writing "cringe" lyrics ok?
I want to rock my new desert titanium 16 pro caseless but I’m worried something might happen
Are Santorini earthquakes affecting summer travel?
Is it worthwhile starting a company (LLC) to embark on a career in music?
my iphone 15 plus is still going strongggg
Should I persevere with the ProMax and try to get used to its size? Or dump it for the Plus?
Will the 16 Plus really feel lighter in hand than ProMax?
Goodbye iphone 12mini hello 13 mini
My hair has been thinning for a while... Finally took the plunge! Any thoughts? Is it good to wax so it doesn't grow back quickly?
Should i go for the 16?
Anyone with 16 Plus to to 16PM?
Opening my IPhone 16 Pro tomorrow. Anything special to do at first?
I changed from 16 Pro Max to the smaller 16 Pro