Imagine being so shameless about stalling that you brag about it?
For all chess players: Stop playing on, play on Lichess
It finally happened to me! Also, never resign!
My friend has spent almost 70 hours in the editor on his level, thoughts so far?
What demon is this if it's not auto
Guess my opponnent's move
Punish this 2000 rated player's blunder
Didn't get a brilliant for this awesome move 🙄
Name 3 concepts to go from 500 to 1000 elo (Rapid)
Does the game rating mean I played an 1100? I’m rated 527
Puzzle glitch?
bro i didnt know that this is a stalemate 💀
What do you call this in your language?
Black to play and win
What’s the hardest level you can confidently beat in front of people in 5 attempts? I’ll start
Wpopoff has accused servax and tera of botting votes for the GD awards.
End game practice, can white stop the pawn from queening? does get remis wrong?
Если во всём мире изчезнет интернет, что сделали бы лично вы?
Just how?
What do I do here? Has happened 5 times in the last week and every time I lose my rook and knight immediately and am in continuous check.
Describe the picture in ONE word
I couldn't believe that I was playing a 1200
I finally did it.