nobody cares as long as your body is alive
Why did my mother manage to convince almost everyone that what she did is "motherly love" or that what she did was somehow medical? Sometimes I think i'm insane, because somehow everyone is on her side.
When I talk about trauma I forget what I'm saying.... mid sentence
Have you ever tried to kill yourself?
Anyone else feel like their main priority in life is just having and guarding your own space?
I need help
question about faces
What age are you, mentally and emotionally?
ADHD, CPTSD, Depression, and Simply Not Being Able to Enjoy Your Hobbies, or "I Can't Even Commit to Video Games Anymore"
I wish I wasn't born
"quit distractions!" - to do what? "cut your screen time and spend time with friends and family!" - with who?
Encouraging people to forgive should be seen as being as gross and inappropriate as encouraging someone to have sex with someone else when they’re clearly not into it
i feel like i suppress more and more
I’m running out of unhealthy coping mechanisms. Any suggestions?
What's your dating age range?
my best friends died recently, and i was far away
being a mentally ill child is a hellish experience (personal story, pt. 1)
How am I supposed to say I’m freaking out because the radio turned on 😭
Any military/vets in the house? I'm enlisting and curious how y'all have fared.
question about "salmacian", "altersex" and "androgyne"
I’m so tired of people saying “go to therapy” every time I open my mouth
Sleeping to escape reality
What did you want to be when you grew up? I wanted to be an inventor. Seems funny looking back since you have to fail over and over again to be a successful inventor! I wasn't allowed to make any mistakes and, when I inevitably did, I was told by my adult mother that "she could do it better".
fast metabolism
More Mid-Late 2000s-2010s architecture (because i love them and wish they were built)