Angry magpie
Saturday morning flock before gallahs arrive
Forgot to shut the door
This one's gonna be a beauty!
Follows me around the yard waiting for his shower every hot day 🥰
First fenestration in 17 years!!
Just a bird and his ball
Need advice on how to make this lil guy happy
Hi :3
Houston, we have fenestration
Someone is bothering Cockatoo every night
[OC] when day 2 is worse than day 1
Seems About Right…
Usually I only get sparrows in the bath
This new leaf on my Albo💚
Post Alfred catchup
Does this look okay?
My new friend Buddy
It's finally happened! All the help I can get!
I made these green bracelets, and I feel so full of life!
Galah 🥹
Monstera albo tips
Feisty gang-gang