Trigger Replacement for H&S 2024 Infinity
I tried to paint wood. I need to learn it in order to paint it on some weapon handles. This pic is without any shades or varnish yet. Opinion ?
Kroak Keyword
Had a question about this Card, and its first text.
What are everyone’s models Wishlist for when the Seraphon release finally comes out
usb c thingy stuck in the deck…what do?
Might start seraphon. What are some positives and negatives about the faction?
What's your Anti Mother Shoto deck?
Which historic revolutions ended in an even worse situation?
Color coding character cards.
Ready for action, and 69?
Tamiya Plastic Cement or Superglue
Wide vs. standard 6p table
What are your thoughts on Milleneum Godzilla
Seller isn't responding
Progress on skink riders.
support problems on an order
First model I’ve painted since 1993
MegaGargomon or HerculesKabuterimon?
Looking for a "Braindead" game, any suggestions?
Wrong game received with purchase
Feeling a bit discouraged
Finished my first Seraphon model and my 3rd model over all. And I'm super happy with it! Kroq-gar is one of the fav fantasy characters so having a model of him is nice.
How trust worthy is G2A?