LCD-X very uncomfortable
My friend got me one for my birthday that isn't for 3 months...
7900XTX coming back?
Upgrade advice needed: Currently using an LG 34GK950G-B, 34” 100hz. Just got my 5090 to run it.
How important is the Geek Squad warranty? LG 45GS96QB-B OLED monitor
Gaming with a Ultrawide screen?
Space Force lacks ‘warfighting ethos,’ experts say
Wow… just wow…
The chepest 49" 1000R monitor like samsung g9 but without the gaming hardware
What to do against dva as dps
6vs6 (1 min 3 max) is terrible
6XX and Asgard 2
difference between the 7900XTX and the 9070 XT
Overwatch Doomposting
Buying advice needed for 45 LG OLED
6v6 is ending soon what does everyone think?
[WTS][US-TX][H] Shiit Mjolnir 3 [W] PayPal, Cash
My Schiity gaming rig
Element 4 by JDS Labs released at $499
Jotunheim 2
What the Forkbeard is this???
Should I cancel my LCD-X 2021 order for the 2024 revision?
Upgrading dac from ef400 to bifrost 2/64
What the heck is going on?!
[HELP] is there are a UI Addon like Material UI from FF14 for WoW?