Can I get down?
felt like a 28 days later moment
It's official, I suck.
What’s the username you hate most to see on the kill cam
What makes yall keep playing?
Almost met god
What was the first good money maker you discovered?
Greatest off-screen character
Most unintentionally funny character?
Disabled first time player
Male/Female Ratio?
Christopher was pathetic.
Is the Georgi abuse intended to be funny?
What if Richie had indeed become boss?
Bobby 100% was out of line when he fought Tony
In the season 6 episode, Chasing It, Renata’s death foreshadow’s Tony demise
How did Christopher score Adriana with that canopy?
The fundamental investment case for uranium in 2023
I’m the guy that befriends you and shoots you in the head.. ask me anything.
Suicide is never the answer
Where do you make your final stand?
what are your thoughts on this idea
Why did you become a Dragonball fan?
What are your RS goals?
Price check in double pirate hook, green Santa hat and other Santa outfit items?