3/17/25 - Off to a wedding
Holy photo shopped feet lol
Another one vaping around that baby!!
She's copying Gabe now 😫
3/16/25 - Gabe’s lunch
3/16/25 - We are off to church
Can everyone post the ugliest pics they have of her? Lol
Stingy relatives…
SnaggleTooth McGee
3/14/25 - Morning Spam
Claiming taxes?
So who thinks they will actually be getting money back or if they will owe taxes?
I’m losing my mind waiting-Indiana
Gallbladder baiting
Criticize my MBE prep!
Gosh she’s dumb 🤦🏼♀️
A burning question about their finances
3/10/25 - Drue’s story
What the actual fuck is this
It’s insane to me that Dawna’s oldest has 2 kids and works full time yet she lives with the unemployed parents of one kids. Speaks volumes to their parenting.
Isn’t everyday spring break for you?
Does she not know the meaning?
Crazy homeschool granny gets dumber every minute!!!