Which Franz Ferdinand song is this for you?
Is this lore accurate?
I think I have problem.
Songs that are just someone’s first name
Songs with “girl” in the title!
Goodbye something
What is this it's on my multitool
There is a sale for HOI4 and i want to know which DLC ads things to game like spies, tank and plane designer?
Our ferret Kuki chilling under the TV
What is this tool on my pocket kn*fe
my spaceship is spinning
Do y’all let your rats on your bed? Why or why not?
I'm Getting Arrested by the police,what Half-Life Quote should I use in court?
Am I playing this game correctly?
My own meme format
people playground
My rat George eating biscuit
What is this move called? (I’m new)
question for civ6 players
my rat George eating almond
why everyone read title "interestingasfuck", "intersting As fuck". but i read it "interest in gas fuck"?
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