Which piercing surprisingly hurt a lot, and which one didn't
Create a McName for Jackson
I messaged her bf too much?
Is Frankie supposed to come articulated?
Disappointed Grandma
19F looking to stay up with someone
F19 - give me some music recommendations
CONFESS! What is the LAST song you listened to? 🤍🥬❓ I wanna know! ❗🥬
19F looking for casual conversation
Just got my belly pierced!! I’m in love!!
Will getting my nipples pierced when my boobs ain’t perky and saggy make them look worse ?
How old are you?
The before, after, and inspo
A few outfits featuring my new favorite thing: tube tops
Midsized girls can cosplay too!!
Tell me you have toxic parents without telling me you have toxic parents
Which side of my nose should I pierce???
Do you guys sometimes close Reddit only to open it again within seconds as you realize you have nothing better to do?
Are you male or female
When did you have your First Phone?
Curvy jeans
Trying to find my style for the summer
Offering some free cutie patootie cat pics
What is your most fussy piercing?
Given the ability, what book would you read again for the first time?