What’s your favorite non-hyped shoe in your collection?
Episode 31: Intro Line - A very good year - Efflux, Excavate, Hemisphere, Admiration, Discriminate
Episode 30: Food Descriptions - Dentist, Orientation, Articulate, Innovation, Competition
New Look Alert - anyone recognize these? Scroll for closer look…
Episode 29: Music Prompt - Nocturno - Precede, Ritual, Moral, Sulphur, Variable
Episode 28: Narration - Primary, Alarm, Affinity, Innate, Return
The 12 - blue - makes a good fit (swipe)
Does the internet still hate Heritage 1’s?
I’m done for the rest of the year
Nike Ja 1 Scratch
Reverse Ferrari 14 goes for the gold
J for Jesus - Cherry 12’s
Episode 27: Sound Effect Prompt - Heart Beat - Conventional, Desire, Production, Transmission, Mutation
Pine Green 3 - still my favorite 3 - what’s yours?
Help me decide guys black or sail laces on mochas
First two pairs of Jordans -- How'd I do?
Black out - BC3 - what do you think?