What muscle groups should I work on?
Any trainer or professionals here
What’s the most overrated food in your opinion?
I went from 58kg to 65.5kg in 3 months
I went from 58kg to 65.5kg
I did deadlift for first time my lower back hurts
what are some secrets that you’ve kept from your parents?
Sleeper build
What is your biggest life regret?
What is starting price of ipl ticket for csk v mi match
I constantly worry about how others perceive me.
Is it normal?
I'm 20F and I'm in college. I've met a girl 20F and I would like to ask her out.
My friends aren’t treating me the way they used to in college.
Yesterday i just skipped one meal I lost 0.5kg body weight
I’ve never dated anyone. Is it normal?
Ithu sottai yt pliplip community ya?
Unable to get out from my past teenage trauma
Unable to forget and get out from my past teenage trauma how to get out of it?
How many times did you received compliments till now?
friends who ditch you for refusing to lend money are not friends. they are red flags.
What’s the Dumbest Sex Myth You Believed as a Kid in India?
When I do ABS workout i am getting muscle cramps
I have kind a racist mind