I don't understand how to generate this much spin
Bankinter: Conta Mais Ordenado
Credito habitacao com BankInter
Clube de XADREZ
Algum redditor a usar o ActivoBank para investimento?
Conta bancária empresarial. Qual banco com melhor proposta?
How do you build your factories?...
How do you sleep after a 3-hour padel game in the evening?
Investimento em imóvel no Algarve - dúvidas sobre possível arrendamento
I really like the look of the ice in my photo, what do you think? ☺️
Is this bad for the drone?
Which video editor do you use?
Why are conveyor belt wall holes different from all the others?
Pico Island Hike, January 2025
Struggling to post-edit. Any suggestions on tutorials or courses?
It ended.
The build vs. the notes
Qual foi o momento que vos despertou o interesse total em aprender sobre literacia financeira?
Some footage from my Mini 3
SUP Surf - 2024 April
GoPro 11 with hindsight issue/bug
Just remembered this was a feature. What do you guys use the notes for?
Já alguém fez a viagem Norte a Sul pelas estradas nacionais?
Best practices for recording yourself to improve Padel technique?
I am scared of flying my drone because of the birds