Jon wilding lover attitude pissed me off so much in this moment
Targaryen family gatherings are just five people lol
Fav armors?
0 Weight but the model continues to deform... Why? (Very new to blender... please let me know if I have to give more info on anything)
Will Brandon the Boring be King in the bOoKs???
If Ned had called for a trial by combat, who would have fought for Ned and Joffrey?
Videogame concept trailer made in blender
My pause menu lets you keep moving the camera. Quick and dirty photo mode. Might have to make a proper one now.
Players didn't realise that the bar in the bottom left was heath - so I added a heart that beats faster as you are closer to death!
Autumn character and a closer look at leaves that were used
The Heir of the Kingdom of the First Forest, the child destined to unite the Clans and bring a new empire to the world, I hope that the things that come are very interesting since his brothers are good but not as good as him
Is there a setting or mod to reduce the negative opinion on faith hostility?
"It only matters what the camera sees."
Press F for Harmut Eye in Wolf, Ear in Orc and Nose somewhere
Writers, producers, actors, Bob Vance Vance Refrigeration nephews, drug dealers, 10/10 would watch a show about this guys in Vance Refrigerations office
Writers, Producers, Bob Vance Vance Refrigeration nephews, drug and salad dealers, would watch a show of this guy's office
I close the tab each time the bottom one starts
How are you doing this? What is your secret?
If I ever do this they can easily trace back to me (because of how many office jokes I make at work)
I think he is onto something
I feel dumb, i just found out that Herr's chips was legit.
Writers, producers, Bob Vance Vance Refrigeration nieces, drug dealers, Ill watch a show of their office
Never noticed this before S2E17
I think Idris Alba’s acting talent was greatly underutilized.