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Looking for this Microphone!
what shoes is mk.gee wearing in this video
Monitor Choice
Music Producers, what habit, gear or approach changed the game for you in terms of composition and production?
Best advice/tips for synthesizing metallic sounds?
Label submissions : Demos or previously released material?
Static rain-like sound over music track
Ableton 11 colours issue
How to get this retro auto tune effect like Hunger Games by Bajan Canadian
What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
How did mura masa do this???
Meinungen zu S-Invest?
„Finished“ Kefir separating
Ich hätte niemals gedacht, dass Sparen Spaß machen kann
Wohin mit ca 36.000€ als Student?
Ist dieses Internet gut?
LPT : If you've never snagged an award before, seize this golden opportunity! Simply hit me up with a quick reply, and I'll gladly shower you with some digital accolades while I've still got these coins to spare. 🏆💫
Recommendations for writing good-sounding indie rock drums?
[SW] Twins selling for 640
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[SW] Turnips are selling for 391, tips or pearls appreciated but not necessary! Comment and I’ll DM the code 2-3 people at a time.
[SW] daisy selling for 92
Sound Magic Neo EQ, Auto Pitch Tracking EQ, now only $9.99 (was $169) until Dec 15th