Dennis Quaid says he used cocaine to practice piano 12 hours a day for one of his most iconic roles
What does 5e do better than any other system?
Found a whole, untouched cake in the middle of the woods… because apparently wildlife deserves a birthday surprise?
Charlize Theron in one of the hottest reveals ever
More progress…
Should I cop this COOGI from Goodwill
Craziest find at the thrift store ever
Does anyone here have a personal list of their favorite guitar solos? Would love to hear it!
Unpopular Opinion: Logan DIDN'T Cheat!!!
Hey Luke, Roscoe is after us again!
Idk if this would work
Which TV Show Character Got Done Dirty by the Writers?
Epiphone Dot neck break repair
Which underrated movie do you wish more people knew about?
Made a flat pack building
What’s your last 4?
The best houserule I have ever came up with - Extended Ability Check
Remember this one? Denis Leary - Asshole
I built some MODULAR DOCKS and a BOAT, and put it together with my other terrain (also made a tutorial!)
“Why don’t the Gods just fix it?”
Name a great Western that has a healthy dose of hope / optimism in it...
[CR Media] The cofounders of nerdworld giant Critical Role are expanding in 5 areas. Here's an inside look at their master plan.
How do I attach my party to a larger (military) force without stepping on their agency?
Real beginner
What is a bard, actually, without those stereotypes?