Anti-Trump demonstration in Nuuk, Greenland
Dose anyone else think this is accurate?
personal net worth should be capped at $999 million USD
Ever been in this situation? Lost two treasure fleet resources because an old city state border hasn't disappeared.
Wat zijn de beeste ETFs om amerikaanse aandelen te boycutten?
Brainstorm with me! I'm starting a PhD that involves creating a video game, which explores the possible effects of a land value tax.
It's not only about boycotting USA, it's also about fueling the European economy
Would anyone from Denmark move to the US?
EALS fixed, how do the people who capitalized on it move on?
Boycutting the US has really revealed how many companies have too much market power, how about we don't make the same mistake in Europe and make sure that our alternatives have serious antitrust legislation?
Stop using Mastercard and Visa
Was rerolling starts as Egypt and stumbled upon this..!
The Project 2025 Observer tracks policies implemented - where can we track what is being said? And what laws are broken?
As it becomes difficult to keep track of what Trump and Musk are doing, do you know of an extensive categorized list?
My look now vs what I’ve tried in the past. Does it work?
I en video fra Economics Explained bruger han en statistik, der siger at 57% af Grønlændere vil være en del af USA [9:58]
Government spending is the true tax
Biden Protests
Peter, help please
Vi kan fandme godt uden USA
Economics Explained makes a video about Greenland's economy
Genuinely curious