horror scifi w a sprinkle of romance?
What Pinegrove song was your top? Paterson & Leo anyone?
i need a laugh. what is the worst thing. a customer has ever said to you or the most f’ed up order you’ve recieved?
I love customers who get overly sweet drinks
tapered slowly but going off the last dose entirely has changed me
Seems like it's better for anxiety than depression?
no one in my store wears a mask anymore beside me plus a question
What’s the dumbest thing a customer has ever said to you?
Free gas bloat in a steer.
Weekly Questions Thread - Week of August 11, 2021
Today's challenge from hubby. Two shades of blues, a yellow gold, and grey! Tell me how to fill brows with shadow?!
one of my fav looks recently ☺️🔮
pls join
I don't even care about friends,
Why Rachel Should have Ended up With Joey: An Essay
roos rasscasism
rosshategroup has been created
decided to use some spooky colors! 👻🎃
What’s the shittiest date you’ve ever been on?
8g to 6g Advice
Virgo F & Cancer M Compatibility?