Are there any plans to fix the memory le ak issues?
How many hours y’all got tapped in rn??
What characters from bad/hated games do you think should be in Smash?
Would you take the deal: Your most wanted character is added to Smash, BUT: They're a low/bottom tier
how much could i sell my ipad mini 7 for?
thoughts on these?
Who's a character you want in smash, but other people don't?
The iPad mini is just perfect
Who's the best ultimate Youtuber?
playing Rivals really made me appreciate how polished Overwatch is
Skin dump for the new season
My wishlist for playable champs. What do you guys think or who are you hoping for?
What's best song from the VULTURES series?
Insufferable Kanye fan starter pack
What is Kanyes WORST three track run?
If you could add one more character from a fighting game franchise to Smash, who would it be?
For everyone wondering;
if you could give your main an absurd and comical buff, what would it be?
help, i got this error, unable to login, i tried restarting game, get into offline mode, activating ransomware, but nothing works, its from steam
Mai fanart by me
stuck on loading screen
Opinion On A Champion Part 60 (What Is Your Opinion On Ying)
Can’t believe that I’m that lucky
secondary router used to communicate with a mixing board can't connect to the internet