High sens > low sens
Should I still go to UCSD
sticky situation?
Skin keeps changing to slim model
professors using ai for grading
Help, which house design looks better? House 1, 2 or 3?
Is there anyway to check the professors for a class multiple quarters ahead?
wat else can i add to this build also can u ppl pls rate it?
pulling all-nighters?
Sunshine Market
My gf has corrupted me
Liminal space photos around campus
DSC30 with Liao, Soohyun Nam
The rain shouldn’t stop you.
Any affordable compatible stand alone mics?
PS5 Help and Questions Megathread | Game Recommendations, Simple Questions, and Tech Support
beyster auditorium
Help omg I messed upppppp
How do you study for Math20B?
Has this happened to anyone else on campus?
heads up
I’ve been chewing gum from this for a week and I just found this weird piece inside.
People who live off campus, how did you find a decent place?