Can anyone recommend a Canadian or European alternative to Zendesk? I want to take my business out of the US.
I have absolutely no idea where to start with LDP
Experienced rider ooking to buy a new fast flat ground board - what to look at?
For the Carver Truck Peeps: C5 vs CX Question
Help me choosing bearings plz
Which 65mm wheel is faster for pumping - Snakes SSF 82a or Fat Free 83a?
Struggling to find a board to fit my needs, something between a surfskate and LDP? Could use advice
My son (9 years old) coded a game in plain JavaScript. He would love any feedback.
Bigger, softer, or both?
Damn. I always been interested in the phantom and the tangent. Would love to try it as a surfskate setup! Thoughts? How good will it pump?
started a new design agency with a cofounder- easiest way to manage shared inboxes?
Deck length / riding stance questions
My SaaS plateaued at $2k MRR: What I Learned
My ecommerce store has seen a massive influx. Having issues with customer support and managing emails
Flex test!
Carver CX on Loaded Ballona or Coyote?
Can I throw carver c7 trucks on my longboard deck?
How to make a Bracket Board more Turny
Wedge on Carver CX?
Turning Angle
GBomb DDR or DDS for Bandito?
What practical AI projects have you actually built?
My son (9 years old) made a math battle game with some CUTE animations!
My son used plain JavaScript to make a game, and wants your feedback
My son (9 yrs old) used plain JavaScript to make a game, and wants your feedback