What’s your favorite Joey side hustle?
What character do you guys relate to the most?
"Smile" 📸
Found this while Christmas shopping!
My christmas sweater🎄
What are some of your favorite nicknames? Could be self-given, an insult, etc.
Comedy Duos
Lisa Kudrow (and Ray Romano) walked up on our tour group at WB yesterday
Marry, Shag, Kill Friends edition
Pretty big blunder by Chandler
Just for fun!
It's a moo point!
Desperate Rachel
Windows 10 Rollback Update Taking 24+ hours
Dark humor
You’re Rachel’s secret Santa. What do you get her that she won’t return?
What would Joey's Diagnoses be?
Favorite Buster quotes?
If you started watching friends as a kid, what jokes went over your head?
Unfortunate Demises
Favorite awkward Abbi moments?
the way this episode is so relatable
Best Episodes to Show a Newbie?
The girl in love with her brother?
Quotes from the show you use in your daily life