Mentorship Monday
Oh no...
The BoomerNA video, and "Xylans", Hypixel stream snipers - the situation explained
My favorite reactions to Dream's recent post
I don't want to live in this world anymore
Thoughts on Sexual Ambiguity
any sources of dream smp-related news other than twitter?
Do I (average joe) can/need to do anything to protect myself from the Log4j vulnerability?
I llove dream
Why are people mad about someone saving their NFT?
Unfollowing Stans, the situation explained.
Here we go again
Blockchain, Crypto, NFTs - the situation explained
encouraging an open discussion on crypto
Most popular users on r/dwt2 (as of now)
What the fuck is wrong with everyone. (/srs /amongus /bruhmoment /urareallfuckedup)
Jesus fucking Christ. This is beyond messed up.
Our reputation is in ruins (ft. Tumblr and Twitter seeing the simping)
Is this true(Reposted to censor names)
i was ia for a week
Huge numbers, both of them should be proud. o7
People in the quote tweets wishing death to Dream and his stans. Damn